Sunday, March 27, 2011
I'm feeling really low right now. I feel like since high school I have just been a cesspool of mistakes. I have pictures of my graduation day on the wall and I see the photos of me at our old house with my healthy dad, and not owing anybody anything. Since that day I have continuously screwed up my life. The mistakes are unbelievable. I know, I know...we all make mistakes, but I have made so, so, so many. I'm tired of struggling. I'm tired of not being able to afford my medicine. I'm sick of being in a house where there are times when we don't have enough money to go buy a gallon of milk. I'm sick of my phone ringing from people wanting money from me that I don't have. I'm exhausted by lenders and creditors harassing me and threatening me. I hate my credit score, I hate that I am still in school at 24 having not gotten even one degree. I hate myself sometimes for the mess I put myself into. Some of it wasn't my fault, but I'm still taking the fall for mistakes others made in addition to my own. I feel lazy and irresponsible. I hate this life and want a second chance to make it all right.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Crochet is in Stock
Crochet has arrived in my shop! I am still learning the craft but have learned enough to put a few things up in the store. So far I have the following items for sale:

Large and Poofy Crochet Flower
I am super excited and have created a new account for when I have enough crochet product to put into the new store, kinetickatiescrochet. I am currently working on perfecting my flowers and learning how to make "scrubbies" (dish scrubbers), my dog's blanket, and multi-color wash/dish cloths.
In other news my allergies are out of control today. 10 Benadryl and tons of nasal spray haven't helped much at all. It's frustrating to say the least!
I am super excited and have created a new account for when I have enough crochet product to put into the new store, kinetickatiescrochet. I am currently working on perfecting my flowers and learning how to make "scrubbies" (dish scrubbers), my dog's blanket, and multi-color wash/dish cloths.
In other news my allergies are out of control today. 10 Benadryl and tons of nasal spray haven't helped much at all. It's frustrating to say the least!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 15

This is my dog Sophie's blanket so far. My mom made the purple flower I have spent hours trying to make myself. I am going to get help at a local knit shop so I can make my own from now on. I want to put several on Sophie's blanket since it's just plain white. It will have pink in it before it's done, though. I will run out of white yarn before it's finished and I only have pink yarn to work with :) But Sophie won't care, she's color blind. I am very happy with this blanket so far!

Saturday, March 12, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 14

Tonight Lindsey, Michelle, Brandy and I were talking about feet. One part of my body I do not have a problem with is my feet. I even got my favorite Bible verse tattooed on the left one under the phrase "I am spoken for." Psalm 62:6 reads, "He alone is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress and I will not be shaken." I got the tattoo when I was 19 and not a day goes by that I don't love it. It's written in my favorite font at the time, Kingthings Calligrapha. The artist did an amazing job tattooing such small letters onto my skin. It's amazing!

Friday, March 11, 2011
New Cool Product: Custom Shop Packages!
I am very happy to introduce a new item in my shop: custom shop packages! They come in three versions, size 1, size 2, and size 3. Each size has increasing elements. For size one you get:

For size 2 you receive:
And for size three, the largest size, you'll get:

Check out the shop at! I also do custom work for any individual element that you see in the shop packages.

- 1 Banner
- 1 Avatar
- 1 Reserved Listing Graphic
- 1 Thank You Graphic (for feedback appreciation photos)
For size 2 you receive:

- 1 Banner
- 1 Avatar
- 1 Reserved Listing Graphic
- 1 Thank You Graphic (for feedback appreciation photos)
- 1 Business Card Design
- 1 Return Address Label Design
- 1 Sale Banner
- 1 Sale Avatar
And for size three, the largest size, you'll get:

- 1 Banner
- 1 Avatar
- 1 Reserved Listing Graphic
- 1 Thank You Graphic (for feedback appreciation photos)
- 1 Business Card Design
- 1 Return Address Label Design
- 1 Sale Banner
- 1 Sale Avatar
- 1 Blogspot Blog Background
- 1 Logo Design
- 1 Ad Graphic
Check out the shop at! I also do custom work for any individual element that you see in the shop packages.
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 13

Today was pretty uneventful, except for my creation of a new blog background! I was so excited to make my own instead of relying on someone else's design. This is unique and my own. I am proud of it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 12

My dad and me on the way to my doctor. Before we left the driveway I asked my dad if he wanted to be in my "photo a day" photo and he said sure, he had no idea I was taking this picture when I hit "Take Photo" on my phone. Thus, the unfitting expression on his face :) I combined two photos since I'm s...ort of hidden off camera in the left photo. It's been awhile since my dad has been able to drive, so it's weird being in the passenger seat with him in the car. Without so much pain meds in his system he's capable of operating machinery thanks to his nerve stimulator implant. He did a lot of driving today and I don't think he's had a single nap, which is incredible for him! If you didn't know he has a rare blood disease called Myelofibrosis that makes him weak and tired. Now that his nerve pain is under more control, he can slowly start becoming more active. It's great :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 11

Honestly, I had no idea what to photograph today. I haven't done a whole lot aside from some personal demons being brought into daylight, finally. But seeing as how personal that is, I didn't want to photograph anything related to it so here's my photo: "Who knows?" I certainly don't :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 10

I don't do a lot around the house. My mom spoils us all by doing pretty much everything. So today I decided to take care of dinner: crockpot salsa chicken with a side of Spanish rice. It may have only been before noon, but dinner was already underway when this photo was taken several minutes ago. Hopefully this won't be a total disaster.

Monday, March 7, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 9

It's no secret I suffer from depression. It's a very severe case but thankfully my doctors have found a "cocktail" of meds that put me in the right place...they make me feel normal. Without them I am an empty shell. Some people say I should try other methods without all the medicine, but I am too frightened of stopping the medicine to even try. My life is barely existent without it. I am alive but am like a ghost...empty and lost. I won't go into details on what exactly I take, but the pills I am holding are a very important element in my treatment. It is a new drug in the United States and therefore has no generic form. It is $15 a pill here, so I go through a Canadian pharmacy to get the generic form. It ships from Germany so it takes awhile. Due to financial reasons I can't always order it at the right time, so at times I run out and my dad gets me samples from my doctor to hold me off until the medicine arrives. As of today I have been out of this particular medicine for 3 days and I have felt like crap. The doorbell rang today and I ran to the front door to make sure I got the delivery (I have to sign for it). I had a feeling it would come today, and I was right! I am not feeling much better yet since I just took it, but I should be feeling better by the end of the day. This medicine is a learning experience in takes about 12 days to arrive after ordering it, so I have to carefully plan when to get a refill. Lots of little things in life are big learning opportunities, so pay attention to what happens during your days!

Sunday, March 6, 2011
New Sapling Website in the Works
After the urging of my buddies on Web Design Group, I decided to scrap my website and start over. After the dozens of hours I put into it, it was hard to upload the new sapling site, but I like it better. I found a free template from a pet shop-themed site and have modified it a bit. It's kind of safari-themed, which my pal Lindsey says is very family friendly. I have finally finished the wedding section with the exception of the pocket card invitations as I still need supplies to photograph them. They aren't on Etsy yet and won't be until I can order the right supplies from is it Can't remember and I'm too lazy to go find out :) But so far the site looks great. I haven't run it through any validators so that scares me to think I've got ANOTHER faulty template, but at least everything works on this site. If you'd like to check it out, it's at

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 8

It's a lazy Sunday. After waking up at 2:30am this morning, I finally went back to bed around 8:30 and slept for 3 more hours. This was taken right before I fell asleep, hence the dazed expression. If I look comfortable, it's because I was :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 7

Here I am chatting with my BIFFs (Best Internet Friends Forever)...I just love it when we are all online and talking. We share everything about our lives together and I can tell them things I can't tell other people. I don't know why that is, but I just know I am very thankful I met them through the whole Kristie Tunick scam. Brandy, Lindsey, and Michelle, I love all three of you!

Friday, March 4, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 6

I woke up today to a glum outside I haven not seen in a long time. The rain was relaxing but the day seems so dark with clouds muffling the sun. When I let my dog Sophie outside, I stood there like this getting more depressed by the moment from the ugly weather in front of me. I have since retreated to my room and try not to look towards the window that reminds me of the ugliness outside. This photo wasn't intentionally blurry, but I like it that way.

Thursday, March 3, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 5

I love making charms...these are used on scrapbook albums, purses, or keychains. What I love most is the combination of beads...beads are so fun. Pearls are my favorite, along with bead caps which just look gorgeous on these charms. I sell these on Etsy for various prices. This is an Alice in Wonderland themed charm with tons of single charms related to the book. I made it red for whatever reason...but I love the way it turned out!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 4

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 3

Today I woke up to more horrible allergies. They're pretty bad every day but today they were even worse than usual. My nose has been stuffed up since 10am and is showing no signs of letting up. Sometimes I swear I go through a pound of Kleenex a day!
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